Well considering what we saw I believe it all started when she had a miscarriage probably caused by the loan sharks beating the fuck out of them. When some couples lose a child (even if they aren't born) they end up becoming bitter towards their partner. And now with this new chapter it most likely was worse for him because as a an orphan with no family he probably had a lot of hope hanging onto the child to probably make the child live a life he never had. Not to excuse what he has been doing but stuff like that tend to ruin relationships and worse when it's due to gangs
Yeah I do understand that part. And when miscarriage happened they might be still young too. Young couples that has no one to rely on. For so many years they probably thought they only had each other. No one else can help them. I can see and understand where both came from, why they are like that today but adultery is a NO. I don't think he like Ari, it's clear as a day that even when he is with her, his mind is still on Hae Soo. But still...
They were each other first love. First everything. I don't think any 3rd person can break the bound between them, no matter how pathetic and sad their relationship is. Only when Hae Soo decided to give up, then she can leave the past behind. With Beom or simply leave it all by herself. It won't end just because he is cheating. Their dynamic is very realistic. I actually love to know their relationship in the past. It gives me reason to understand why Hae Soo stand tall enduring everything instead of leaving. And for someone as bright as Min Cheol in the past, it's genuinely sad too see him acting like mf right now. He was not a playboy, it was the other way around.
Mincheol used to be so fine.
He changed and became a horrible person, for what?
But he's a good representation of how flawed people really are. As much as I despise him, he is an incredibly realistic character.