Rui is perfectly right to choose studying in france, doesn’t matter how much you love so...

Slytherinlarrie November 23, 2024 9:55 am

Rui is perfectly right to choose studying in france, doesn’t matter how much you love someone, a uni decision that’s gonna affect your entire life you gotta make considering your own future and no one else’s and it’s proven just by the fact that yuu tried breaking up with him (even if they got back together), imagine him choosing the worse option for his career to stay and go to uni in Japan and in the end be broken up with anyway, so what then? Even yuu realized he was being selfish already the moment he realized he suggested moving in together to bait him, so doubling down and asking him to stay was just… meh of him, and I’m glad rui wasn’t swayed

Also breaking up “So TheYd DaTe WoMeN And be NorMal”??? bro Istg there’s nothing more irritating than breakups where both love each other and make up stupid reasons to break up like AAA I thought you were the level headed realist from the two of you, the hell kind of reason is that to break up as if you both didn’t love each other for years, one dumb comment from his family saying he might find someone in france affects you that bad??? Even tho you’re the one that stopped him from telling them he’s dating someone???, OuR FaMilIeS WaNt us To Be WitH GirLs BRO I THOUGHT THE ONLY REASON YALL WERENT COMING OUT YET WAS TO BE STABLE AND INDEPENDENT OF YOUR FAMILIES FIRST OR YOU WOULDVE TOLD THEM ALREADY, ITS LITERALLY WHAT YALL SAID SO WHY IS THE HETERO EXPECTATION EVEN A FACTOR NOW AAAAA, and considering how serious y’all are about each other and your future together, 4 years is literally nothing when you know y’all are investing into your joint future ???? And text and video call and seeing each other on breaks is a thing ?/? WHY SO DRAMATIC AAAAAA

