I can empathize with busting ass to get to the top, but it’s hard to really feel bad when you consider how much of an asshole he was. A lot of people failed Jaekyung that day, but Kim Dan took the brunt of his anger as always. I don’t blame him for up and leaving. Also, he definitely hasn’t wound up lower than when he started. He just has to make smart decisions right now and he could come back better than ever.

It was technically Dan mistake. He was in charge of all medical supplies when that coach came in and created that scene to switch the sprays. Dan didn't recheck the spray again Which in turn cause injury to Jaekyung. When everything was settled & everyone was ushered out Dan should've went through everything again just to be on the safe side alot was riding on this and It's no secret they play dirty. I love Dan I think he's the cutest I'm rooting for him but he drop the ball technically.

I can respect this opinion I agree a lot of people failed him not just Dan. But I do still feel bad for him despite his asshole tendencies. That's true he has the potential to bounce back with smart decisions. But it seems has hit a low spot in his life. & I guess these dreams/nightmares are the start of a chasing arc. But It is what it is tho I could go either way with their relationship.

that is such a bad what if lmao. he checked it twice before the coach came in .and potato checked it too. with all the commotion i don't think their brain would even think that the coach would pull off a dirty trick like that . why would the checking come again in their mind ? no one would just magically think that they caused the commotion to mess with the supplies.
only thing that makes sense about your comment is why jaekyung would assume dan was the one who messed with the supply cause with the image he saw and then obv dan being in charge of checking . it makes sense why he'd first assume that dan did that .

I would've checked it again because I know alot is riding on this day so tbh I would've been checking it multiple times. I would've sprayed on me then him for each item everytime cause that's how my mind works. But this is fiction and the author went another route. So it is what it is. Some feel like it was partial his mistake some don't. Either opinion is cool. The author is going to write them together in the end anyways so it'll no longer matter after a couple more chapters.
Tbh I feel bad for Jaekyung I don't feel like this is karma for the treatment of Dan. What they had was contractual. If he feels like he could've been a lil nicer so be it. But do I feel like it's his karma because of Dan absolutely not. I feel like this is something that happened out of misfortune and be surrounded by evil people. Because at the end of the day Jaekyung build his own career brick by brick himself. He trained every day,every night for years, no sleep, tight schedules, getting beat tf up, eating certain meals, push to his limits and not allowed to really enjoy life like he wanted to then to finally make it where he wants to be only for it to come crumbling down because of someone else mistake. Someone who was even to afraid to apologize in person and instead just quit and disappeared. I would be spiralling too. His whole life was dedicated to this just for it to crumble within a few hours. It's sad I can relate working so hard towards something sacrificing over and over and over. Just to eventually end up lower than you started shit sucks.