Hello yes I believe Abel was poisoned according to novel spoilers, not sure if it's already in the manhwa (I'm still waiting for the eng trans to keep up with the raws before I read it). It's HE as per spoilers. You can read the novel spoils on here https://www.novelupdatesforum.com/threads/regas-%EB%A0%88%EA%B0%80%EC%8A%A4-bl.173697/
I don’t like watching or Reading things where the queer love interest dies. Also if he gets with the little boy that’s pretty creepy too cos he’s all the boy had as a parent, and the only kind adult in his life. So I think I will drop it, doesn’t sound like a story I would enjoy with the spoilers. But thanks so much for taking the time to reply!
Believe it or not, the prince confirmed Abel's identity because of his fear of wolf spiders I LOVE THESE IDIOTS