That was a bit poorly explained, I got a hard time understanding and I already know how it goes. Actually, both parent made him, but his dad (the man who died at the begging) still saw the android as their son, but the mom saw him as a powerful android cause she realize that he was not their son and they can’t revive him through the android. So she killed the dad who tried to call her out cause he refused to use him as a war machine, but he (the dad) send him (the android, Ethan if I remember right) out before dying, rebooted him and gave the order to run and hide. So he is not human, nor does he have memory of the child of the scientist who died, he only has his face.
Idk if it’s better explained but I tried
At 100% he's gonna go full Pinocchio and become a "real boy" isn't he?