Great art will read again in another lifetime
Does anybody have the specific chapters the seme appeared on Monday's Savio...
Growing up to be devour, I am speechless rn. The artwork was so pretty that...
I need to go back to church after reading this. Seems like a whole year of ...
When I heard these two were from Save the Dae, I thought the blonde one was Won Dae’s blonde friend Yeonhoo, I didn’t realize these two were Yoonwon’s brothers. I thought Yoonwon was fcked up (I do feel rlly bad for him but that doesn’t excuse his behavior or personality), but his older and young brothers take the cake.
Regarding both Spilled Blood and Save the Dae:
Art is gorgeous, the plot could have more substance (Yoonwon’s and Won Dae’s personalities don’t seem consistent at all), and the dialogue gets incredibly cringe.
An absolute shame that if the Goo’s parents actually loved each other and gave their kids a quality childhood and had the step-brother’s blood family done the same for him, none of this fcked up shit would’ve happened.
Author needs some major therapy bc it takes a certain kind of fcked up to think up these kinds of stories. I need to read something normal and cute to cleanse my eyes and mind bc Jesus Christ.