I was about to shout " AYO PUT SOME RESPECT ON [Insert commenter's name]!!!!!!!" But then I read your name and was like............"Do I respect this name? (YES) How do I confidently put respect on this name.......Do other people respect this persons name like me? Should I just run with it?.......why am I struggling with this so much.......would angels judge me for respecting their name??? Should I be chilling with demons? (yes)" etc etc very hilarious mind tangent just happened to me and I can't stop laughing that my ribs hurt ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Imagine living in this manhwa's world while worshipping god and then you finally die with high expectations just to find these 2 year old acting ahh brain dead mfs sucking on their thumbs who are supposed to be ur gurdian angels dawg I'm yeeting them to their Jesus (who's probably a bossbaby copy) and paragliding my way to hell to be satan's homie Idc I refuse to believe any human would want to voluntarily stick to these incompetent angels and let them handle humanity so recklessly, just the absolute disappointment I would get if I were a human meeting them
Anyways thank you for coming to my tedtalk ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~