Hi and sorry you can scroll this. Don't mind me. I can't hold it in. My mom said once a daughter is born, her duties is only three, which is 1. Help your parents 2. Help your parents 3. Help your parents.
Our elders used to say that a girl studying is useless since she's going to end up as a stay at home wife anyway, they used to say this to me specifically because I studied "too much" , I ended up going to college for free because of how high my grades are
Our elders used to say that a girl studying is useless since she's going to end up as a stay at home wife anyway, they used to say this to me specifically because I studied "too much" , I ended up going to coll... kjors
whaat, istg parents like these have no logical way to explain their narrow mindset. Being supportive of your daughter's dreams and not tying her down to yourself just because you birthed them is the least you can do as a parent. ಠ_ಠ
Hi and sorry you can scroll this. Don't mind me. I can't hold it in. My mom said once a daughter is born, her duties is only three, which is 1. Help your parents 2. Help your parents 3. Help your parents.
Tf ing bs she spouted