pls don't spoil when there is a *spoiler* button right there in front of you

Lana November 20, 2024 11:17 pm

i'm so incredibly angry and salty because i've been reading a manhwa for almost 4 years now and someone so unnecessarily gave out a major spoiler. this manhwa has ended with the raws (as far as i understand) but the translations won't fully finish for weeks to come based on the pacing they were coming until now. so why would you have this unbearable need to give out a major spoiler right now, when there's still no end in sight for this manhwa on this website? i have never been so angry with someone giving out spoilers but this one particularly annoyed me because it was so unnecessary especially when there's a spoiler button under every topic. pissed me off so bad. i'm genuinely mad. it wasn't even a reply to a topic where you can't mark for spoilers. it was a topic under this manhwa and you just don't mark it. why do that? rude. f off.

    ectoplasmies November 20, 2024 11:29 pm

    if you're talking about what i think you're talking about i think that guy was just messing around. it did not end yet

    ❤Valentine Vampire❤ November 20, 2024 11:43 pm

    Someone spoiled a manhwa in a reply comment? WTF! Not cool!

    Lana November 21, 2024 7:47 am
    if you're talking about what i think you're talking about i think that guy was just messing around. it did not end yet ectoplasmies

    people were replying as if they were right so idk. but even so. don't play like that, that's also rude>:(