Yes. I know. But he's still a good person in that he didn't abandon him. First of all, if no one had been there to take care of him, without paperwork and hospital bill, I'm sure the hospital would probably stop his life support or maybe just idono, dump him somewhere? Once he's woken up (if he ever does) he doesn't have a place to go. Without let's say social workers or whatever to take his case he'd be homeless and or penniless. His mind kept resetting each week so he can't even retain new memories. The brother is good in my book. If you can't for new memories you can't even work. After you've been comatose for awhile you need to be rehabilitated too (all your muscles have atrophied) and you'd need to learn to eat again and speak again and walk again and just any kind of movements in general. Who do you think would be there to take care of him. He was comatose for 6 months. I don't know when the sister had abandoned him but it seemed some time before he woke up. Then fast fwd to present time, it's been almost two years, one week shy, of the accident. JuYeon was willing to put up with this whole charade even though it's replayed 79 times. If he's lucky, the MC would have ended up in a mental ward somewhere. Stuck in that loop. The "rape" forced his mind to finally leave that loop. Though that itself may not be the entire stimulus but the physical act forced him out of that stupor.
I know you feel the need to excuse his actions because they didn’t hurt the protagonist in the end and because you feel that he’s not a bad person. But, objectively speaking, his actions were entirely selfish. Putting aside the rape, which in no way can be taken as a “good” action, he was serving his own purposes, namely self pleasure for one.
Considering someone as predominantly good or evil is generally subjective but trying to defend a rapist (who premeditated his crime mind you) is extremely harmful in my opinion, even in literature.
Anyway. That’s my view on the topic.
Both brother and sister are pieces of shit. Especially that bitch that abandoned him