In the novel end: The Duchess doesn't find out about Rize. The Duke finds out and doesn't tell her. Edith forgives Rize and everything is swept under the rug. Edith and Killeon leave to their county and they have great big plans for it. Cliff stays as the heir of the duchy.
In the afterstory:
Rize is basically having a breakdown cause nothing is going the way it should anymore but Cliff manages to convince her to get married. Rize makes Cliff sign a prenup that says that after the get married Cliff will never be able to divorce. From the wedding planning, everything was already a mess. Rize wanted the waste a bunch of money just for the wedding and she started having fights with the Duchess over that. Cliff started getting dissapointed that Rize would not listen to his mom and try to keep the peace. The Duke and Duchess also start seeing Rize differently. They eventually do get married with a grand wedding. Killeon and Edith attend and they have a good time which pisses Rize off.
Fast forward a couple months I believe, Rize still has main character syndrome even after Edith tries to convince her to settle down and enjoy her life with Cliff. Rize wants more than just Cliff cause she wants to feel in control and special. So she starts seducing people that had a crush on Rize in the og story. She pays 0 attention to Cliff cause she takes his love for granted since she created him for Rize.
Years pass and Cliff is so dissapointed with Rize he barely even talks to her anymore. Because of the prenup he cant divorce her and he still has some hope she will change. Meanwhile Killeon and Edith have been living a happy life and are now parents of 1-2 kids. At the same time, Rize finally realized that there is no one who loves her as much as Cliff and that she wasted her time trying to get with other men.
Rize regrets her situation and wants Cliff and the Duke and Duchess to love her again. However, she's crazy. Instead of apologizing and changing her ways, she comes up with a whole plot to find the Emepror's long lost nephew (which is a secret only the royal family knows). She fails to find the kid and instead gets a slave and gives them the birthmark the nephew is supposed to have but ON THE WRONG PLACE . The royal family immediately finds out and throws her into fail for contempt and sentences her to execution. In the meantime, Edith unknowingly takes in the real nephew as a servant. The royal family recognize the kid when they bump into him and the Emperor decides to reward Edith. Edith just asks that Rize dont get executed. So the Emperor anuls Rize's marriage to Cliff and sends her off to a distant monastery.
Cliff is devastated from still clinging to his hopes for Roze and from feeling so much guilt for his family. He falls into depression. Edith and Killeon decide to check up on him and Cliff offers them the duchy. But they don't want it because they already set so many things in motion in their county. Cliff decides he needs to get married again and this time ti someone that's good for the duchy. So he enters an arranged marriage with a capable woman who loves him a lot. And they have a happily married life where Cliff also loves her as his equal but not with the burning passion he had for Rize. Rize stays in the monastery until the end. Edith and Killeon are just happy. And the Duke and Duchess barely appear in the after story and they never apologize for anything. The End.
spoil me please.
what haooens to cliff after all this. does he have a bad end? good end neutral end ? (lol)
just wondering