
I’m still holding out and hoping silver hair is end game, but here’re the raws for those asking
Y'all I fear that not only is prosecutor the baby daddy but he is end game! I went back to look at the raws again and I at first I thought the white snake was Prison Bae but y'all I don't think it's him anymore. I think it's the Prosecutor with wet hair. Why you might ask... Well for starters the baby fox that was save is brown. Who has brown hair? Prosecutor... That white snake with blue eyes that save them. Who's white? Prosecutor... Who has blue eyes? Yup prosecutor... Who acts like a snake and is constantly doing snaky stuff? That damn prosecutor! & Lastly when that snake shifted to a human and hug the uke it had brown hair *Slides down wall and starts bawling*(╯°Д °)╯╧╧ .... I'm hurttttttt... For weeks I thought it was prison bae till I went back and analyze it. I said maybe it was just like a shadow on Prison bae hair but Prison bae has long white hair that touches his shoulders. The one hugging him hair barely touched his neck. && To further compare I went to the panel of prison bae hugging him from behind on the last chapter the back,hair,shoulders don't seem to match the water panel. I'm sickkkkkkkkkkkk
┗( T﹏T )┛ * Alexa play Billie Eilish Chihiro