Blondie is about to make me mad, anyone with a brain could’ve figured out it was the guy who walked in on you last time who made him sad. You little boy stood up to that pervert gangster, like be forreal right now!! And he stop flinching and having mini panic attacks when you tried to be sexual with him and this is what you do?!!!! I need our little baby to start his run away arc since the author hint that he is fast and good at hiding due to past in the creator’s notes at the end of season 1 and pronto (no offense to the author ) Blondie needs to be taught a lesson. (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸
Blondie is about to make me mad, anyone with a brain could’ve figured out it was the guy who walked in on you last time who made him sad. You little boy stood up to that pervert gangster, like be forreal right now!! And he stop flinching and having mini panic attacks when you tried to be sexual with him and this is what you do?!!!! I need our little baby to start his run away arc since the author hint that he is fast and good at hiding due to past in the creator’s notes at the end of season 1 and pronto (no offense to the author ) Blondie needs to be taught a lesson. (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸