I wouldn't really equate them as the term daddy is not normal it's a kink most people do not have the terms "brother/older brother" are pretty imbedded in the culture and also about respect, people who do find them weird just have little knowledge on the importance of respecting elders in Asian countries probably
I have english as my third language and all my first 2 are asian with respect to age heirarchy and it didnt mean much to me because i'd settle for the localisation calling the older one "Brother" than their first name and westerns would complain ... Id prefer to keep the original word but some people hate that too "breaks the immersion" lol
This has nothing to do with manga/hwa/hua but how the hell do westerners think that calling people older than you (including your bf) "brother" is weird but calling your bf or husband "daddy" is sexy? I see a lot of people complaining about such a thing in the comment section of a lot of manga/hwa/huas