Woah... Upcoming is a big rant which may be triggering....

Sweeter then sugar November 19, 2024 2:00 pm

The comments.... Dayum..
Anyways, I read back after reading a comment and the when nao said smth like we say harsh things to protect ourselves, that's exactly what I thought too? The uncle wasn't really trying to instill anything in the niece. What I precieved was that him thinking the kid would be sad if he heard "it's weird to have two dads." I don't think the uncle meant anything deeper, it was the niece who heard and decided yeah its weird, I'll say it to the kid. Because kids are devil's spawn and they legit don't care.... I'm assuming the one uncle likes has a child? Or he's kinda like nao cus he can't openly claim he's gay like ai, which leaves him kinda cold and bitter. Maybe I'm over analysing, but I don't really think uncle is to entirely blame here. Author did a good job of capturing regular life. And well, go easy on the poor soul, I'm sure these people will solve their own issues like the way they are.

    Night November 19, 2024 2:05 pm

    The uncle struggles with internalized homophobia

    shrike November 19, 2024 2:09 pm

    the kid isn't a devils spawn jfc the whole point of this is the fact that the uncle's own internalised biases and opinions are being repeated by the girl who doesn't understand what she's actually saying because he's her elder ie someone she knows and implicitly trusts the opinion off. nobody is at fault but the uncle literally unintentionally caused the situation he was complaining about that's what the story is trying to show.
    also the fact that you blame the kid for repeating her trusted adult's own words is weird as hell

    Sweeter then sugar November 19, 2024 2:34 pm
    The uncle struggles with internalized homophobia Night


    Sweeter then sugar November 19, 2024 2:40 pm
    the kid isn't a devils spawn jfc the whole point of this is the fact that the uncle's own internalised biases and opinions are being repeated by the girl who doesn't understand what she's actually saying becaus... shrike

    Maybe I was not clear enough. I'm not blaming the kid nor am I calling her a devil's spawn... I'm saying kids, literally meaning children, tiny humans, all of them. Because kids don't have a filter and kids will repeat everything and anything. I didn't mean to come off as weird or anything, nor did I blame the kid in anyway. I'm just saying that the uncle isn't entirely to blame (this does not translate to kid being one to blame) because he didn't know he the child he put to sleep woke up and heard half of what he said then fell asleep. Unintentional misunderstanding yes?

    shrike November 19, 2024 6:29 pm
    Maybe I was not clear enough. I'm not blaming the kid nor am I calling her a devil's spawn... I'm saying kids, literally meaning children, tiny humans, all of them. Because kids don't have a filter and kids wil... Sweeter then sugar

    you really weren't. they way you put it in your initial comment makes it sound like you are saying devil's spawn for not having filter because they don't know any better. which is just a weird ass thing to say