Correct me if I'm wrong

AXCEL November 19, 2024 1:58 pm

Wait.... so this is sensei's first official manga?
Is that why it's a bit all over the place

With regard to their rebirth, is my understanding correct that it was something of whimsical curse/blessing of Fate, after being called by Eishin's deep despair?

And the thing that lifted it are 2 things:
1. Eishin was finally able to have the courage to not kill Houri, overcoming the deep fear and anxiety of what if they never meet again.
Which also have an implication of accepting that they have to accept the risk of focusing on their one (present) life, regardless if they live or die thru the ordeals of fate

2. Surviving Fate's attempts to kill Houri until they reach the age of 21 -> that also means they kinda got lucky since it happened soon

    Fujoshi_Mom November 19, 2024 5:02 pm

    For a first manga it's really good. I liked it a lot esp the angst, turning into happiness thereafter.