Maybe it's just a red herring but this manga has been pretty straight shooting so far with the 'bad guys'.
Now plot-wise a girl is missing. She is rumoured to have run off with some dude? Suddenly we are introduced to a new 'princey' popular character that EVERYONE loves.
He trying to get close to Haruki, he's antagonistic towards Shirayuki, he's drawn with all the creepy bells and whistles even when he's not in panel with other characters so it's not like we are just seeing it via their POV.
Not to mention his comment about Shirayuki being pretty like a girl.
Idk man he's either after Haruki for sure, or he's using him as an easy way to get to the sister.
Or who knows, maybe he's also targeting Shirayuki.
The way this manga is, no one is fuckin safe.
I mean Shirayuki is a fucking murderer too but narratively he is getting a pass because he's killing off the bad guys who are targeting Haruki/Haruki adjacents.
But I dunno. Maybe he's gonna end up being a normal character who just rubs readers the wrong way because we've been conditioned to want Shirayuki to be with Haruki due to the lengths he's gone to protect him.
I mean even I want this creep to fuck off. I wanna see some normal school day shenanigans without the constant threat of victimization.
This town they live in needs the fucking Powerpuff girls or something with how many criminals are running rampant. Ffs.
A girl goes missing. A new creep is introduced. He's getting close to Haruki and already invited it into the home. Have a care man! Even if it's making it seem like Haruki is the target, it could be the sister and this guy is using friendship with Haruki to get near her.
And where did Haruki's wariness/caution go??? He was literally bullied like crazy and now he just trusts people at face value who appear to be nice??
Shirayuki pls 1v1 this creep.