This is so real, I'd rather see more boding and sentimental interactions between her and the Binahs vs whatever is going on now:( I litch can't get past chapter 70 because I'm tired of every character being utterly infatuated with Al. I love them but the lack of purely platonic relations between them Al and the other characters are stressing me out, like why are the fairy twinks BOTH in love with Al, and then both Phay and Jules. I genuinely might cry if any other love interests are added, I'm so sick of it! I lowkey wish there was no romance involved, I think Al deserves that as a character instead of all these random forced relationships. It's also quite funny how every time something goes wrong, Al suddenly misses the Binahs and cares about them when we've barely seen any development in their relationships and very lacking interactions, I feel like it's quite repetitive tbh.
Anyways, who am I to talk. I'm only on chapter 70 so I don't know how far the story has developed if it has even done so but I can't really bear to read on, also based on what you said at the end of ur para, idk if it has gotten any better.
╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Lol ikr? Right after she woke up from the dead she spent mostly sleeping and working. The few times she spent with her binahs is whenever they are sitting around talking or getting flustered or shouting and fighting or talk aboit her work...and whatever and when they are supposed to be spending family time tgr is JUST A MONTAGE! Like 5 panels of oooh and aaah where they have fun and thats it, Back to Work! At first i wanted to make sense of the harem, like why would phay and jules SUDDENLY fall head over heels already, like to my chagrin the fairy twink bros has their dumbass destiny, so maybe for phay and jules is similar, cause Al is their Token so whoever is under tht Token would no doubt feel beyond platonic love towards tht token right? But seconds after my head pooped out tht thought i was like "hol up, REN is there" the old man who was nothing but a father figure to Al and the others all these time! That implies the Binhahs doesn't necessarily need to feel romantically towards Al! UNLESS the old men is also in love with Al!!!??? Cause if so. AW HELL NAW. But thank god he isnt ..i think. ( now tht im typing this out i have trust issues and is scared tht in future chptrs it turns out tht all this time old man Love Al just like phay and jules too) all of them are gonna have a long ass live now, is okay to focus on the story and make the romance slow burn in this case, why are webcomic authors so afraid of actual character development? Will it kill then if they dont shove romance/harem IMMEDIATELY??

Ughh like what, its genuinely like 5 panels of her and the Binahs being happy and civil, other than that 3/4 of the story is her interacting with with randos and getting saved by her Binahs at the last second.
I would've loved to see more character development for Al, not saying that i didn't want to see her happy, but i feel like the problem of her wanting to die was solved wayyy to quickly, I know that Binahs tend to obey and love their contractors but it would've been a lot nicer to see their relationship develop slowly and for them to get to know more about each other.
I'm crying lolol, like why did the fairy twinks just have to be destined to to love her, omggg, it threw me off the whole entire plot.
If Ren somehow ended up falling in love with Al I'd simply pass away, that would actually be endgame for me lmaoooo.
And I agree, there is literally no reason for any of the Binahs to be in love with Al, I'd love to see a female lead and her male companions with no romantic feelings involved ughhh.
It's also quite funny how despite Al presenting herself as a boy, coincidentally only the male characters are in love with her but won't acknowledge it, they're basically queer baiting us but as soon as they find out that she's girl, I feel like the author would make it a relief for the characters and they would actually acknowledge their feelings like damn, just let them all be gay! but noooo, they all just have to fall in love with the same guy which is actually indeed a woman.

┗(•ˇ_ˇ•)―→I agree with everything! And more I can't even appreciate the very rare moments Al gets with Julie and Phay cause they always have the strange undertone of romance that do not fit the situation! (ʘ言ʘ╬) And are, in fact, contradictory! For example there are situations where Al is talking to someone about her proximity with one of the Binahs. On one occasion Al says they are like family but when the same topic is with Phay, Nooooo never, he is not family "but someone special". ಠ﹏ಠ
→_→Also the Binahs situation is exactly like the fairy brothers. All of them like her because of fate(Even if it not romantic for the other 3). (๑•﹏•)On the start I thought they would do something about it ಥ‿ಥ like even if fate brought us together I am happy that it is you or something like that. (´;ω;`)But nooo, they just love her for no reason.
(눈‸눈)And the worst part? Every time we see their point of view a.k.a their past. We see how they never wanted a Token or being inflatued with a Token, how they never wanted to literally just follow and listing to everything the Token said or how the Belinahs start to act extreme about their token.
(ノ`Д´)ノ彡┻━┻ How they would prefer a shorter and free life. 。:゚(;´∩`;)゚:。Then we cut to the present. They are inflatued with their Token, are extreme about everything Al say or suffer (even if it's just a cut) and just accept everything Al say.
And they DO NOT GIVE any reason for liking Al. (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻Just that they love her and they can't be separate from her.
Just. Like. The. Others. Binahs. They. Hated. In. The. Past. (ಠ_ಠ)━☆゚.*・。゚The exact way others Binahs act, and the exact thing they didn't want to be. They are like emotional slaves.
I would love to see their relationship evolve from just fate to a true relationship. But so far it just disappointment ( ≧Д≦)

Lol this is to real XD love your use of emotes haha. And YES EXACTLY the binhahs with their double standards geeez...As a reader we already know of Als backstory and suffering, but the binhahs don't, apparently we're just gonna have to accept tht just because purple hair (i frgt the name oops) already did her homework and brought the others up to date on Als life? Srsly ! How convenient ...is not like we as the readers want to see them spend more time as an actual friend forming a found-family type of thing right? Ugh (╯°Д °)╯╧╧ Noooo all we got is fast pace, let everything be settled quickly so that we can have a "sprinkle " of romance and harem( ̄へ ̄)Charater development can fuk off i guess... like we get it its a feel good story, where after years of torment we want the FL to have a good life, but jfc let us BREATH. Give FL a chance with her found-family before shoving romance in!
I srsly like the story and wish Al all the best in life and love-life, but for 1 freaking day cant i get a good series without harem or love triangle #-.-). phay and jules i get. but what is up with the fairy brothers destine to love 1 women thing?! For a sec i thought i was reading porn lmao, like logically how tf is tht gonna work?? 2 bros pining after the same women VS fated to be in love with same women is WILDLY different, i legit feel so bad for them. Even if they're side characters they deserve a more well thought out back story than that mahgawd... Also i cant believe the silver hair dude (Al's ex bestie) had a gay panic, think its a good idea to marry the step sister because yeah tht make sense, im sure your feelings will get fix by doing tht Genius, and this is just a GUESS but in future chptrs he might feel "better" about himself tht he wasnt gay all along and will try to get close with Al (romantically) again, if that ever happen in the future chptrs i just wanna say 'The fking AUDACITY'... also is kinda funny in this world the gender of being head of the house is no problem, but god be damn if you're gay! ( for a gender-bender series thats also pandering to BL readers, feels like rubbing salt on open wound) Why do i have this creepy feeling tht Al will get 5 more new love interest in the other world ( ̄∇ ̄")