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also a childhood favorite heheh !!!!
also a childhood favorite heheh
From what I remember, I read this story when I was still just a lass, so the release was likely around the early 2010s ish.
In this manga the MC was a young woman/girl and she would visit this circus or magicians tent. The main dude was (from what I remember) this fine dude who loved magic and whenever she was with him weird magic mumbo jumbo was afoot. It was like her whole outlook on everything would be steeped in magic. Another really notable thing was this side dude character - I think he was actually just a normal dude, but for majority of the story when she saw him, he had this comically large oblong head, he also had glasses and maybe a lighter shade hair (Brown?). Am not sure whether this was colour or black and white.
Pls help me find a defining manga of my childhood, thank you