Also I am sorry but you’re hella confused about the dialogue Skylar told Cirrus. Skylar actually told Cirrus that he was afraid of opening up again and LOVE (bc yes he loves Cirrus) again because of his past bad experience. It took a LOT for Skylar to take that step and put aside his insecurities. He also doesn’t care of being hurt again (his own words) because he wants to go all out with Cirrus and take it all. I would rather advise you to sit down and actually understand what you’re reading.
Another thing when u talk about Cirrus’ past you are again being wrong: there was no rape, if you are alluding to the pedo teacher what the teacher told Cirrus was to do a fellatio and after that Cirrus ran away. About this incident: what Cirrus took from it is that he cannot trust adults! and that’s why he put a social mask on.
Thanks to Skylar, Cirrus understood that is OK to be himself and that there are people out there who actually care about him like Chanil. Cirrus just has to understand and see that. Also Prof Lee!

Tho I’m happy they are together I wish there was more chasing arc. Coz I couldn’t even complete latest chapters coz of the things happening to Cirrus it was so depressing
I think the last straw was when the pink hair bff slapped him??
Can someone tell me the thought process behind the slap? Like what did Cirrus do? Didn’t she like Chanli too??

Baby you forget a lot of things in your writing. First of all, it was bc Cirrus was being caught that he apologized to Skylar. Don’t forget that the action that Cirrus made are not light. And you forget that both apologies to each other. Cirrus don’t apologize more than Skylar. Secondly, Skylar had tends to be violent even with the people his love (ex: his mother) Cirrus will not be an exception. We are not in Disney love but reality. Thirdly, you and Skylar are not the same. It not bc you can’t do something that means other should and can be you. Fourth, Skyakr was ready to forget all things Cirrus made but again his biggest issue is trust. When Cirrus lied to him in his face and the fact that Cirrus wanted Skylar be to alone and use all of bad method for that made Skylar thinks he use him. And you know what stupid action Sky made after. Finally,Skylar and Cirrus act stupidly bc of their trauma with his bad. One manipulated, and the other hurt people. They really need both to apologize and explain their point of view.

Yes i agree, and if some others disagree thats okay too but ppl are getting so agressive about a fictional couple like they are not real and everybody is entitled to their opinions we can all view this couples dynamics differently compared to our world perception there is no right answer and even the author probably created the couple in a way that can be approached and understand by different angles. So why ppl are so bitter i do not get it. I am not even gonna mention the comment that says" it was not rape just his teacher asking him to give head " like wdym?!! we sympathize with Skyler who went through a similiar thing against his consent and Cirrus also went through something so bad when he was a kid, who cares if there was a action or not the possibility , the fact that his teacher approached him the fact that he still can't talk about is enough. Idk man

Ahhh Thank you!
But idk if “used” word applies here.
From what I read it seemed like she liked Chanli and asked cirrus to be the matchmaker and he did it? And they became happy couple.
So where’s the sense of betrayal even coming from like slapping him girl seriously
Your bff is Cirrus not Skylar
Or am I not getting sth

Did you not read the all chapters where Cirrus relentlessly bullied and black mailed Skyler??! Or the fact that Skyler's trama is directly related to him being outed and severely bullied b/c of it? Which is why he was pushing Cirrus away and not being outwardly publicly affectionate..Also, idk what country your in but most asain countries are not as accepting towards LBGTQ community.

Cirrus had fate on his side because yes Ri-In when he met Chanil liked him and fell in love with him (it was Chanil who asked Cirrus to play Cupid and get him a date with Ri-In not Ri-In herself) so it was a win win situation for both parties however what Ri-In didn’t like was for Cirrus not being totally honest about the whole Chanil situation with her that’s why I used the word “used”.

0 media literacy, there is no right or wrong person in this relationship and you making it as one makes u miss the point entirely. cirrus kept things hidden from skylar from all this time. you talk about how hurt cirrus was but what about skylar? lying by omission is wrong, covering up the things you did to make a person stay is wrong. he lashed out because of the fact that he kept lying and wasnt honest. you get fearful avoidant and another with codependency issues it doesnt work the way your think it does. skylar aint no saint but acting like cirrus has been one since the start is insane. he went through manipulation tactics, no relationship that starts that way will be smooth sailing. also u do realize cirrus wasnt only like that because of skylar you do realize that right? his step mom and dad have an effect on him just as much and even more. who do you think instilled his insecurities first? honestly baffling people pick sides on the most non moral manhwa
On one hand yes I’m happy to see them together again but on the other hand Cirrus was going through it. He went trough the five stages of grief because of their relationship. He already felt unloved before their relationship but during and after their relationship he felt even worse. Skylar basically confirmed every single one of his insecurities. That he’s not as good as Chan il, that he doesn’t love him and worst of all that he deserved getting beat. Even if Skylar told him that he loved him now it wouldn’t feel satisfying because he did it after the guilt came back to haunt him. Cirrus was like so close to the edge because of Skylar. He was the first person he opened up to and told about the rape he went through. Them just making up and being happy in a relationship is just disappointing especially because it reminds of the chapter after Skylar beat Cirrus they just kissed and everybody accepted Cirrus feeling like shit. I want Cirrus to tell Skylar exactly how horrible Skylar made him feel during their relationship.
I completely get why Cirrus did not let Skylar into the house. Some people were saying he’s playing hard to get but that’s bs. Cirrus never really had plans for the future. He just wanted to make his dad suffer like he did and disappear which could be interpreted in different ways. Maybe those college plans were something Skylar already forgot about but those plans meant everything to Cirrus. Skylar was ignoring Cirrus 90% of their relationship. Cirrus was degrading himself so badly that he was okay with the fact that Skylar didn’t love him and only used him as a replacement for Chan il. And that small apology did feel heartfelt enough.
And before people say Cirrus was in the wrong too, Cirrus has been apologizing in all of season 3. This season was a whole Cirrus suffering and apologizing parade. It’s okay to admit and Skylar is the one who needs to do the apologizing this time. I need Skylar and Cirrus both go to therapy so Skylar handles his toxic behavior and anger issues and Cirrus needs to deal with his trauma and abandonment issues. Cirrus needs to love himself before he can love others. Skylar needs to deal with his past and come in terms with his sexuality before he gets into a relationship. I know a lot of people are going to say that Skylar does love Cirrus but if Skylar loved Cirrus as much as y’all say he did he wouldn’t be able to bear seeing the one he loves suffer like that. I would NEVER hit the one I love. I’ve heard a lot of excuses for people who bear their partners like “he has a bad day” “his dog died” “his father was an asshole to him growing up”. Those are the same excuses people used for Skylar and just because he’s pretty and traumatized that doesn’t make it okay no matter if he has past trauma. We all have things we are going through and we still don’t go around beating the people we love.
Maybe in a couple of years after they both grow than they can maybe get together.