Bachelor be damned i want what they have

S6X November 17, 2024 11:15 pm

Procrastinating writing my Bachelor thesis by ugly crying about these beautiful people.....

This is so beautiful and so sweet and so real!... it hit in a lot of spots that make me sobbing so much its unreal..

    HylekingWytchNeithekaos December 1, 2024 6:06 am

    How's that thesis going? What we get?

    S6X December 1, 2024 9:11 am
    How's that thesis going? What we get? HylekingWytchNeithekaos

    Mmmmhhhh the thesis is thesing somewhere there is some progress so we might get something. I'm fighting the procrastination

    I'm studying library science so in a few words we involve ourselves with the information, how to catalogue it and how to we make it accessible, not just libraries and my subject is what does the concept of creating a queer Database need, so queer scientific literature becomes more accessible and visible to the public?

    It came to me while I was in my 6th semester and doing some research for another subject that there is no database where you can find queer literature in no one place all together, especially scientific one. And then also the metadata standards (the data of the data) and tags weren't inclusive enough for the reaaaally wide spectrum of lgbtq and queer in general. They would have an article about let's say non binary people and they wouldn't have it catalogued auder that tag or subject, probably just under queer or in the best case trans, but still not "correct" and so it is not really easily accessible or visible and so people who do research in gender studies, lgbtq and so on, have actually a hard time finding scientific literature because of this reason.

    I come from Europe so rn we have actually not a really good access in some databases and the few good ones, they are still not inclusive enough or the subject is so specific that of course there is not enough literature. Then there is databases that you can access only through specific institutions so again another roadblock for the ones that aren't part of this institution. And this is worldwide.a lot of international databases have that problem. Then there are ones behind pay walls and they are soooooo expensive, like 4k expensive of course you cannot pay that. And again the inclusive cataloguing matter and accessible tags is always there. Then again the community itself has done A LOT to make articles, books etc. accessible and they have really good tags, because no one does it better than the community but they are "looked down" upon the scientific world sometimes because they are not "official" enough let's say or properly catalogued like in an actual library database. But they are doing a good job

    So I want to look what the community does, what the science world does, what is the state of research at the moment from literature that I have found, although I am ALSO in the problem of i cannot find enough literature because it is not really researched or accessible for me, and then compre, reflect them and make a small prototype

    That's it more or less simply said and because I'm also having some difficulties with finding sources and because this subject is very important to me personally but also because it is important for everyone else, I'm kinda afraid of doing something wrong or not being perfect enough or if I'm not good enough to bring the subject to light

    So I'm on my millionth panic moment for this week only XD