And seonwoo, hated the little shit for the first half so I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to like him and to root for a second couple including him but holy shit I loved second season, the authors note at the end is so real, tryna make him an irredeemable ass before having s2 plans then suddenly deciding he needs to be redeemed AND IT WORKED SO WELL I LOVE IT, they’re so good together and while seonwoo was annoying in his paranoia, self sabotage and his hot and cold but it was BELIEVABLE, considering his backstory it makes sense why he thinks how he does unlike how the conflicts and problematic thought processes in s1 that feel artificial, the ml being immune to his gaslighting so he can’t play strategy games so he has to straight up talk and say what he wants with him, and it’s so funny the few times he had the paranoid accusation monologues with him and ml is standing there like huh and seonwoo is like nvm let’s go, LIKE HIW EASILY HE GIVES IN LMAOO
Also their ending is chefs kiss, him finally giving into his feelings but also going from 0 to 100, like ok I love you but NOW IM A LIFELONG COMMITMENT THERES NO BACKING OUT, bby just wanted the comfort and reassurance of having someone to give and be given unconditional love LIKE SO REAL I LUV U BABYGIRL
Bro I thought it was gonna be 80 chapters of the first couple so them being so frustrating would’ve killed me if it was a 80 chapter slowburn CAUSE LIKE y’all have been friends for AGES, why do you have so little trust in his character to think he has some grand manipulative evil plan, but also for someone who thinks his friend stopped being friends with him because he’s gay, he’s awfully too ready to suspect he’s “getting some dick elsewhere” when ml was tryna take it slow and do dates instead of sex, not even counting the fact that IF HE WAS HOMOPHOBIC THEN WHYS HE SLEEPING WITH YOU NOW, MAYBE STOP FOR A SECOND AND RECONSIDER YOUR INTERPRETATION OF THE SITUATION, you even noticed that he’s freezing up unable to speak, is the “I hate how he can’t even speak up” thought important enough to not maybe freaking push him to spill his thoughts??? Liek would you rather lose a chance of moving forward with your actual best friend just cause he’s unable to speak by his own?/ YOU KNOW HE HAS SMTH TO SAY JUST PUSH HIM TO, but instead going to date your ex that DUMPED YOU WHATS wrong with you,
And what comes to the ml, holy shit have a little less fear of rejection, EVEN ON THE VERGE OF THINKIG THEIR FRIENDSHIP IS OVER HE DOESNT HAVE THE KICK TO THINK “OK IF ITS ABOUT TO BE OVER EITHER WAY MIGHT AS WELL COME CLEAN AND CONFESS IT ALL”?/? NOT EVEN TELLING MC ABUT THE STUFF SEONWOO DID BRUH, also avoiding him back when he found out mc is gay BRO WHY ARE YOU TAKING TIME APART, JUST RUN AND TAKK TO HIM WHO CARES IF YOURE STILL SHOCKED, and you’ve been friends for ages, why does seonwoo getting under your skin work so easily on you, does the friendship mean nothing to them to have so little trust in each other to not be able to talk at all till it got to that point???? ALSO WHEN YOU KNOW THE LITTLE SHIT MC HAS A DRUNK BLACKOUT PROBLEM WHY WOULD YOU POSSIBLY LEAVE HIM TO WAKE UP ALONE THE NEXT DAY WIH NO REMINDER NOTE OF WHAT EXACTLY HAPPENED THE DAY BEFORE, how many times can you let “having an important conversation except he’s drunk and won’t remember any of it So let me leave before he wakes up without leaving a note so there’s no proof of the important thing happening and saying it later won’t be believed LIKE I HATE YALLLL FREAKING DO SMARTER STUFF