After seeing all the comments I read this out of pure curiosity and guess what? I didn’t mind it. Was it weird? Heck yes. Was the art weird? Also yes but did I enjoy the elements of horror at the end? Also YES. Imagine having one big dream where you’re being manipulated by an alien that killed all your friends only to find out that it’s abducted you and is taking you to its home planet? I’d be so scared and the poor human ….i don’t think he even knows what’s real by the end of it lol.
After seeing all the comments I read this out of pure curiosity and guess what? I didn’t mind it. Was it weird? Heck yes. Was the art weird? Also yes but did I enjoy the elements of horror at the end? Also YES. Imagine having one big dream where you’re being manipulated by an alien that killed all your friends only to find out that it’s abducted you and is taking you to its home planet? I’d be so scared and the poor human ….i don’t think he even knows what’s real by the end of it lol.