Yes, there is r4pe from the ML, there was also an attempted r4pe from other. ML is an a-hole ...you will curse him a lot. It took a long time for him to redeem himself. It's a toxic webtoon, it's up to you if you want to continue, you are also free to stop reading it. Although you might want to read from other website since uploader stopped uploading here.

I would say the r*pe is like executed as "tastefully" as it's possible. So like I know that seems impossible and it is. but I feel like there is definitely still like a difference between some r*pe scenes in mangas and like this one I can handle, while some others I can't...
you feel me?
So I would give it a shot if I were you... (but that's just my opinion ofc (=・ω・=)

no the uke is never actually raped. I can assure you that!!!
(I think there are references, but it never actually happens)
I think you'll be able to tolerate it gorlllll
i don't want to spoil hehehehe
(or at least not here. I think in season 3 it kinda does happen almost almost, but those chapters are not on here so don't worry!!! We all act as if this is the ending here)
ive been thinking about starting to read this but obviously ive seen lots of spoilers everywhere and i still dont know if i should read it :/ can someone tell me the warnings? like rape, ect.