I can totally relate to Som. Sol is being extremely frustrating. Idk abt other ppl, who kn...

??? November 16, 2024 10:39 am

I can totally relate to Som. Sol is being extremely frustrating. Idk abt other ppl, who knows if I'm aro ace or just a very logical person, whenever i see girls act this way it makes me so angry. I lost friendship, like close af friendship over these thing. I didn't even do anything or take action. They tell me i don't get it cuz i never loved anyone. Like dude where is urself respect?? And where is ur logic??? Someone giving u std & beating u up and u stay cuz u need the validation?? STFU , i just don't get what drives ppl to behave this way (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

    Isagi_sprout_harvester November 16, 2024 11:09 am

    Exactlyyy!!! It drives me so mad!!

    CaiChiCat November 16, 2024 11:24 am

    It's actually very common when someone grew up with abuse they tend to seek lovers and friends who are also abusive. That's why you can't just take them out of an abusive relationship, you have to also get them help.

    ??? November 23, 2024 6:43 pm
    It's actually very common when someone grew up with abuse they tend to seek lovers and friends who are also abusive. That's why you can't just take them out of an abusive relationship, you have to also get them... CaiChiCat

    I grew up with abuse too & that's why It's also annoying. I get it, myb i perceive things differently. But I'm talking abt ppl from healthy family. They Have this one crush & that drives them crazy. They are willing to do anything. Myb It's the hormone or whatever, i Just Don't get it. Myb cuz i never experienced it myself but girl i would rather die than throw my self respect away for a man

    CaiChiCat November 23, 2024 8:51 pm
    I grew up with abuse too & that's why It's also annoying. I get it, myb i perceive things differently. But I'm talking abt ppl from healthy family. They Have this one crush & that drives them crazy. The... ???

    My father grew up with an abusive step father and a family that ignored him. It took years for him to realize that what he went through was abuse. This goes to show that each person responds to abuse differently, it's just what Som responded to is the most common form.