I'm talking about the little sister of the main character guy. Yeah he cared about his little sister. What part did you read that he tried to get her murdered? I can see that at all. It was his crazy girlfriend that tried to get her kidnapped and brainwashed. The crazy girlfriend got away with it but why is he being sentenced? Come on man he cared about his little sister. Even if she was illegitimate he was there for her and he cared about her opinion. What did you read the part where he tried to hurt her unless he was under some brainwashing
Actually hoping for Redemption Arc for him. Yeah he did some wrong but he loved his little sister and I'm sorry but I thought that was a redeeming feature. He didn't want his sister to get hurt and he didn't know that she was going to get kidnapped by his crazy girlfriend. So I was sad to hear that he's going to get executed and she doesn't feel sorry at all? He loved his little sister. Just got to be some kind of redemption art. You can't just execute him. That's so sad