
It’s intriguing how you equate dismissiveness with intellect, as if avoiding discourse validates your cognitive prowess. The irony lies in how your verbose declaration of superiority only underscores the insecurity behind it. True intellectuals, my dear, thrive on challenging dialogues, not evasions masquerading as self-importance.
P.S. Hey Watcher, hope you don’t mind, I used your comment to get my reply across since the person blocked me. Appreciate it, and thanks for unintentionally helping out!
Damnn hahahaha, got blocked by this ChillingonPluto user here in this comment section cuz they were getting called out on their hypocrisy XDD
Blocking just so you seem like you had the last word in the comments is such a coward way of avoiding confrontation for your own comment. Either respond or ignore, but blocking just to save your own ass from getting whooped in a comment section is so funny If anyone see that user here again, tell em I said "lmao".