I finished the entire manga in 1 day! I haven't seen the anime at all, knowing that s2 sucks, i figured i won't put myself through it at all. I just have some thoughts I need to put to page about this:
this was so good! This was a tightly written story. Reading it all in one go, its obvious the writer had a cohesive vision they stuck to for each chapter. The fight at the capital could've been a bit longer, but the story doesn't rush or drag at any point. Especially since author burnout has given us so many terrible, rushed or straight up nonsensical endings (bleach, mha, jjk to name a few). There is a bit of deus ex machina going on, coz an off-screen character, smee, is to thank for their freedom. They got incredibly lucky in obtaining the pen, so all 3 MCs had the info needed before they ever left. Also, the completely off-screen prison break meant showing a lot less of the struggles that actually happened, and would've given norman a lot more depth so reader's would have sympathy for him, and would want him to be saved in the last arc.
I'm not a fan of unnecessary heartache unless it makes sense for the story, so yuugo and lucas makes sense. But the mcs managing to save most of the kids with their smarts also makes sense. Also isabella is a decent example of redemption done right. When the kids managed to show her her another way, she did start doing what she could within her means to gain freedom.
I usually am not a fan of white knight, angelic MCs that refuse to kill, must always do what's right no matter what the cost, but Emma does it well. She will kill, but she will hesitate. And when she suggests doing the right thing, it will be because she has at least a viable alternate worth pursuing. Her bid to save peter ratri irked me though, and her 14-yr old's talk no jutsu convincing ancient demons does require some suspension of belief. But she is a fantastic MC. She was on board with killing all the upper brass the kept the farms going, so she supported Norman, but was against the mass killings which she had a way of preventing.
The end was so bittersweet, coz the emma that wanted to be free and smile no longer exists. But she is there, she is smiling, and loving her family all the same. That is fantastic. Overall 9.8/10
lucas and yuugo’s death don’t even make sense, they literally have a timebomb for the whole shelter. they could’ve just done that when they were able to escape instead of sacrificing themselves and still have their deaths end in vain due to the bad guy escaping
I finished the entire manga in 1 day! I haven't seen the anime at all, knowing that s2 sucks, i figured i won't put myself through it at all. I just have some thoughts I need to put to page about this:
this was so good! This was a tightly written story. Reading it all in one go, its obvious the writer had a cohesive vision they stuck to for each chapter. The fight at the capital could've been a bit longer, but the story doesn't rush or drag at any point. Especially since author burnout has given us so many terrible, rushed or straight up nonsensical endings (bleach, mha, jjk to name a few). There is a bit of deus ex machina going on, coz an off-screen character, smee, is to thank for their freedom. They got incredibly lucky in obtaining the pen, so all 3 MCs had the info needed before they ever left. Also, the completely off-screen prison break meant showing a lot less of the struggles that actually happened, and would've given norman a lot more depth so reader's would have sympathy for him, and would want him to be saved in the last arc.
I'm not a fan of unnecessary heartache unless it makes sense for the story, so yuugo and lucas makes sense. But the mcs managing to save most of the kids with their smarts also makes sense. Also isabella is a decent example of redemption done right. When the kids managed to show her her another way, she did start doing what she could within her means to gain freedom.
I usually am not a fan of white knight, angelic MCs that refuse to kill, must always do what's right no matter what the cost, but Emma does it well. She will kill, but she will hesitate. And when she suggests doing the right thing, it will be because she has at least a viable alternate worth pursuing. Her bid to save peter ratri irked me though, and her 14-yr old's talk no jutsu convincing ancient demons does require some suspension of belief. But she is a fantastic MC. She was on board with killing all the upper brass the kept the farms going, so she supported Norman, but was against the mass killings which she had a way of preventing.
The end was so bittersweet, coz the emma that wanted to be free and smile no longer exists. But she is there, she is smiling, and loving her family all the same. That is fantastic. Overall 9.8/10