I hate this kind of typical manga where the main character like a boy who's tied down with...

Arisu April 14, 2017 2:04 am

I hate this kind of typical manga where the main character like a boy who's tied down with his childhood friend because he feels sympathy or responsible for her. I just hate how the boy (not only the boy in this manga) still gave the mc a false hope (friendzoned her but didn't want another guy get close to her) because he has feeling for her but he can't let the other girl stand by her own. I'm glad the other girl is not that much of b*tch though.

    Anonymous May 1, 2017 9:28 am

    A little similar to Moe kare, huh?

    Fujoshi for Fluff only April 14, 2020 9:45 pm

    That happened in Ao haru ride and strobe edge. Don't like.the plot twist and trope. Wasn't my cup of tea