see, this is why i like ennid. he's not weak. if this was your typical yaoi, ennid would h...

jigu's juicy tits in my mouth November 15, 2024 6:17 pm

see, this is why i like ennid. he's not weak. if this was your typical yaoi, ennid would have been remorseful to his country even though it treat him like shit, he would have folded and said he cant possibly abandon the country that allowed him to live, he would say although he didn't have it very well, he can still live because he was born here. only a weak-willed no backbone "i have to be the good selfless person" looking ass would ever think this. to all the weak characters out there who wanna act selfless and put your toxic environment before yourself, you need to learn from ennid and gtfo. amen.

hope glunn "accidentally" kills that varusbussy guy before they leave ong
