
Thanks. I’m just so sick of this perpetually stale, overdone narrative that destroys any chance of a story actually being decent, normalizes toxic behaviors and relationship dynamics, and basically only exists to perpetuate patriarchal dynamics with the omega standing in for the oppressed, submissive, and compliant role traditionally projected onto women
Ugh I’m sick of guys who are annoyingly jealous even before being in an actual relationship. Man had to basically strong arm Jiheon to get him near him, which basically forced him to be in an involuntary work position that forces Jeheon to be around and cater to Jaekyung. That goes beyond a crush, very pushy and not in a good way. Zero boundaries respected. Rather than actually trying to win him over, Jaekyung went straight to the forced proximity trope. Also, if they’re this insecure, jealous, and possessive even before being friendly, much less dating, the whole story is just going to be a rehash of stale, toxic relationship tropes where Jiheon gets dragged around at Jaekyung’s whims, but the relationship magically still works because feelings and plot. Not saying he’s a horrible person, just saying that he objectively does not respect Jiheon’s boundaries because he views his desires to be more important than anything else. Jiheon will probably end up just bending to whatever he wants because that’s the only way a relationship with that type of personality can function. It’s a really common dynamic, but I’m over it.