"Why are they always the lower one even in fiction?"
If the fiction you read is rooted in reality, that's simply the only way to write it.
You cannot write a realistic medieval story with women having the same standing as men. That's simply how it is.
And 10 years age difference is NOT an issue. Especially not for these times. I hope you realize it was normal to marry literal children (10 year olds for example) to a guy the age of their grandparents... ( ̄∇ ̄")
None of this is creepy either, because they are both adults in their time because people were VERY different mentally speaking than they are today. So it's a bad idea to apply modern standards to medieval ones and co. It simply doesn't work.
And altering the story to fit your personal preferences would have made it even less realistic too. Women got married early, had kids early, etc.. But you will NOT find a margrave at the age of 16 or 18 who went to several wars and actually created peace. As much as shoujo comics try to make this the norm, this is the biggest bullshit ever. As is an unmarried mid twenties noble. They WILL be married of to someone before the age of 18 or so at latest.
Again, this story is rooted in realism. Alterations might not be pleasant to your because of personal preferences and not liking realism, but it has to be that way to work.

I'm sooo tired of this argument. "It's reality so bear with it". Even Magrave should be married when his younger. With his age, he should be married at least once, if this is deeply rooted based on reality. As a modern person, it's still creepy to read. A teen barely legal and a man almost in his 30s.
I understand what you mean but I'm reading fiction to escape reality so honestly I don't give a fuck. I'm not studying this or anything to base it on logic or facts. Women fight for their rights in history, at least I wanna see it be reflected on stories. I know the history but seeing women being the one who were always sell off like a fucking livestock, or having their only purpose is to make their husband happy, or dying while giving heirs makes me REALLY SAD about it. I wanna be comforted in a fiction story. It's really not that deep. So yeah ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Dude, you can simply NOT complain about a historical comic being written with historical guidelines.
Fiction or not, the genre matters and it has rules attached to it. And realistic + historical needs to meet exactly those two criterias.
I get you don't like the realism, but if you spot it you should turn away instead of giving suggestions how to alter it because you don't like anything non-comfort. Especially since this story made it clear it's more realistic from the start.
I understand your points, I certainly do, but authors have written idealized shoujo for way too long to now complain about decent works being written in a non-idealized way. I prefer sad realistic realities over Mary Sue-type bs any day. Because those are predictable, boring, overdone and often enough just bland kiddie content. Which is nice if you're a teenie I guess, but most people grow outta that phase. As did I and I am much happier with interesting rollercoasters than boring fluff. :'D
Not every story has to cater to the 'strong waman' hype that's going on these past years. People actually enjoy seeing a historical figure live an ordinary and calm life WITHOUT the fighting for equal rights stuff that happened in history. And while I DO like reading those stories if done right, I do NOT want to see ONLY those stories. There are plenty out there I'm sure you can enjoy. There is no need for this spacific work to be demanded alterations. It's really well written the way it is, just not your thing. Which is perfectly fine. But many people out there enjoy stories exactly like these or even more emotionally stimulate the reader to be happy and sad.
Mind you, the BEST writing out there heavily depends on having a story start or incorporate negative things the reader does not like. because those moments make the happy parts at the end even better and bigger. And that is precisely the writing we need more of. Especially from japanese artist making these historical stories, which are usually absolute trash btw (kinda like schoolgirl romances).
Again, I get you don't like it, but calling for such heavy alterations that wouldn't make the story better isn't something I can agree with.
If you are only looking for comfort stories, you might just need to look elsewhere. Or maybe get recommendations with your specific goals in reading on the frontpage question section. That might help you find the things you want.

Man I don't think we should contain our creative writing for realism. Not because it's in historical genre, doesn't mean it should be bound by historical accuracy. What happens to imagination and creativity if we all just be bound by strict rules that everything should be historically accurate. Last time I checked, this is fiction and not a biography.
And yes, I do read something else, as you can see on my 3,000 already read stories lol. Lots of historical/medieval stories are out there that incorporated what I said before (though I don't find it much in Shoujo genre) So, I know this specific story isn't cater for me but I still liked to comment my opinions whenever I finished something I'm not satisfied with. Thank god I won't be burn at a stake like a witch just because I say what's on my mind as a woman, you know like in history. ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ

Not all writing needs to be creative and new and pleasing to everybody. That's exactly how we ended up with all that idealized, romanticized, almost fantasy like bs the shoujo genre constantly throws around.
If an author chooses to depict a realistic medieval story, that's perfectly fine. And I very much welcome it too because we have so little of those stories around. We simply don't need another idealized hostorical story that's removed from reality. Especially not a story that is trying to be realistic in all details.
Again, just because it's fiction doesn't mean people need to make up stuff or idealize things. That's not what fiction is about. Fiction simply means someone made it up. It does not HAVE to be unrealistic.

Not true. To clarify, I'm not speaking about the medieval times in this one. This is pertaining in the Salem Witch Trials or the hundreds of thousands of mostly women in 1600s who were killed just because they "know" more than an average person or annoyed people. Ughhh I was trying to be funny with this one I can't believe I needed to explain my joke lmao

Hmm.. I don't have anything much more to say about this matter to you. We have a very different opinion and that's valid. You are allowed to accept or justify this, but I stand by what I said. I don't think I'm in the wrong and I don't have any intention to change my mindset about this topic. (=・ω・=)

That's perfectly fine. Different opinions are a constant when it comes to art after all.
Just remember that my point was never to change your opinion, I'm just trying to make clear that demanding extreme changes to a work that's good just to suit your taste isn't really gonna right either. Especially not if we're talking changes that make the work less special and good in writing.
Fluff is fine, but none of the grand and good stories out there are fluff only. They may have moments of it or it is the endgame, but fluff only is not the best genre. Else we'd see more movies and series being made with that as topic. (And they honestly aren't done for a good reason.)
Either way, i hope you find the fluff you are looking for. I for one enjoy these realistic and more serious toned stories better. It's just more exciting and less predictable. Which is the main thing I look for in fictional pieces.ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

I think you're misunderstanding me. I never said I'm looking for a fluff. I don't even liked Shoujo so I don't appreciate you putting words into my mouth. I love dark, angsty, serious and a little bit of toxicity in stories as much as the next person. But yeah, opinions are subjective and our stance on this matter won't kill anyone so I don't think I want to explain my side. Just wanted to clarify that part.

If you don't mind toxic and dark stuff then I don't get what your problem is with mild things like women in historical settings being submissive. Especially not, again, in a realistic set story. That doesn't add up.
Fluff is a broad term btw and I am NOT putting words into your mouth. You yourself said you wanted an idealized version of this plot with lots of idealized, overdone alterations because you prefer that instead of this mild realistic depiction of submissive women in society. That's why I used the word fluff for what you are looking for; because what you described is just that.
If that's not what you are looking for, then you might have worded it wrong when you wrote your previous replies.
I know it's historically accurate but still icky to me. Women don't have the autonomy and always treated like a property will always makes me really sad. Why are they always the lower one even in fiction? At least reverse it or do something with the age gap. Like make the FL so undesirable she's still unmarried in her mid 20s and have her marry his almost 30 yo man idk there's a lot of ways to not be creepy ( ̄へ ̄)