honestly I think the story is really bad (this is me dying) like, it's not only the rape at the beginning (who the hell decided it was okay to rape a sleeping person). It's the obsession. When he watched him sleeping at night bc he had the key. It's because he manipulated Hosik in doing what he wanted very selfishly by guilt tripping Hosik if he ever aborted (among other things). Because he isolated him from his friend (very sad to be his friend and seeing best friend in an abusive relationship). Because he put a gps trac on Hosik's phone. Because he forced him into marriage and Hosik it's so fck submissive to strongly say no also bc he was without a supporting friend grup (Jiwon was pushed away so many fucking times everytime he spoke on sunbae's bullshit). Because he ignored everytime Hosik cried and said no to sex bc "I kNoW yOu LiKe iT" and even if Hosik got angry at him and tried to distance himself (at least for a little break) he cried, begged and guiltripped him again to let him do whatever crazy stalking obsession of controlling whatever Hosik was doing. And there is of course a lot of other abusive behaviour going on.
But everyone forgives him (or overlooks it) because he's handsome. Because he plays nice and it's "cute" when he cries. Because his abusive behaviour is covered with the (very dumb) excuse of his "love" for Hosik. "SoRrY dArLiNg, I oNLY rApEd YoU bC I LoVe YoU sO mUcH

Omgg thank you! I finally found someone who was thinking the same as me. The other comments must’ve been blind reading past the ml’s actions towards hosik. I only finished it cuz I thought they would somehow address the way he is but silly me the way this story was structured looks like they’re just romanticizing this sick shit. I feel so sorry for hosik. The funny part was the ml didn’t need to rape him for them to be together cuz hosik was alr feeling smth for him which was evidenced by the flashbacks on how he got in that situation. He was only avoiding it cuz he was processing his feelings towards someone the same gender as him. No need to trap him in a pregnancy after literally raping him bro if I was in that situation I wouldn’t even know how to handle it
The ml is a walking red flag, apart from that it's a decent story.