I liked it, aside from the misogynist phobia thing. But as for that, I just can't find it humorous when the character is already a working adult with a serious problem (since he can't even stand sharing a train car with women on his way to work) and yet doesn't do anything about it. I mean, it's not like the world's female population is gonna go and disappear... Do sth about that problem, dude.

It's just what you said. It's too unrealistic and I can't even sympathize with the character at all. Is he really supposed to be the big brother and shit? And then there's the sex scene at the end. On the first chapter. Was it really that necessary?
Also loling at the people thumbing down my comment just because they don't agree with my opinion. Ok.

Wow, you call him a misogynist all the while using misogynist language to describe him. Pot. Kettle. The one who is really a misogynist is the younger brother sweetcheeks. He uses women to keep from going after his brother. Yet you call this manga cliched and don't even RECOGNIZE that? Oh. Wait. That's because you wouldn't recognize a cliche if it bit you in the ass. Everything uncliched is cliched and everything cliched is uncliched to you, isn't it? Probably for the SAME reason that someone giving THEIR opinion on your 'opinion' is wrong because your 'opinion' is always right. If it's always right, it's not an opinion anymore, sweetcheeks. Oops?

You don't read much Yaoi, either, do you, BTW?

Yeah, and I'll tell my mother to work on her claustrophobia problem, right away, too. It's not misogyny, sweetcheeks. It's gynophobia that the main character is dealing with. The author is the misogynist. Just as you are by confusing the two. Ooooooooooooooooppppsss?

Lol, triggered much?
I'ts funny how you talk to me like you think you know me or something, lol. Makes it funnier since you're being anonymous.
I did call the manga clichéd, because it is, but not for the reasons you think. And I mentioned shallow characters, which goes to the brother too.
And wtf do you mean by me describing the protagonist with misogynist language. Is ''wimpy'' and ''Gary Stu'' supposed to be misogynist? Since when?
Also, I never stated that my opinion was the right one. I only shared my opinion and thought it was funny that people thumbed down my comment just because they disagree with me.
Well whatever, let's stop this stupid argument, please. I don't have time for this sh*t.
Have a nice day.

Wait a sec, don't agree with that guy so quickly, please!
I don't think it's a requirement of gynophobia to talk nasty about women in general, just as claustrophobia doesn't necessarily involve giving speeches about how the outside world is a horrible, hateful place...
I also don't think mistakenly mixing up the two terms turns anyone into a misogynist.
I certainly don't think feeling sympathy for the main character enough not to be able to find his situation humorous warrants being treated this way byt that other anon.

I think you're actually the one who's confusing the two. Gynophobia doesn't involve giving hateful speeches and seriously telling people how you can't understand why anyone would get close to the thing you fear because it's disgusting or dangerous.

I am not agreeing because I think every person with gynophobia talks badly about women. To me, the uke is simply stating what specifically triggers his sensitivities. I don't think he can stop himself from saying those things, since he is simply describing the things that makes his stomach turn. He is able to say it such way because I don't think he has met a woman who doesn't have or do everything that he hates. The uke is just one case of gynophobia and should not represent all gynophobics. But what I agree on is that you can't just tell a person who has a phobia to just fix himself. They can't do it alone. Such people require help and support from other people before they find the will to cure themselves.

I see. But I wasn't judging him, just pointing the facts. As a fellow anxiey disorder sufferer of course I'm not going to judge him, I'd just say he's not doing himself any favors. I don't think helping them means putting up with everything, at least not in the case of helping phobic adults. Once you start letting yourself or others cite your problem to justify whatever you do or think wrongly, you no longer have one problem, but two... (and god, don't I know that). Blaming the thing they fear for their phobia is not the mindset you'd expect in a sufferer that's been deemed to be well-adjusted enough to be allowed to work and live alone (if not, I wonder what is his family's reasoning?)

You are right in every way of course, you should tell the uke all that, if only he was real. I don't know if he ever wanted to fix his problem, maybe he did at some point but did not know who he should turn to. Again, the issues of shame and stigma in Japan is at fault, IMO. Also, Lil Bro is the last person he should be turning to to find answers or fix for his problems because my theory is that LB's playboy/slutty behavior is his way of escaping his own issues/problems. So both are cracked and both get clinical help but in this story, they are going to fix themselves by doing each other. Not the most healthy solution but we need our fix of yaoi goodness, don't we? All the drama and sex.

Haha yes you're right. We need ourfix of Yaoi, that we surely do. (≧∀≦)
Clichéd. Rushed. Shallow characters and dislikeable wimpy Gary Stu protagonist who's also a misogynist.
No. I didn't like this at all.