Uke is surrounded by weirdo's all horny and obsessed with him there were 3 guys: old man, Yona and hulk. Hulk can go and hang himself about Yona he isn't okay in his head either probably a sadist. As you can see first time he had sex with uke how he felt, he wanted do many things but didn't, he controlled himself, but here comes the twist about how long can he hold. About old man he makes me remember old man from under the green light who made Jin relay on drugs and raped him ...he wanted to make uke submissive and beg on knees in front him, offer his ass whenever he wants like a doll. I don't think old man loves uke, he only sees him as his possession like a prize (uke asked him once 'does he loves him' but old man laughed and make fun of him). Although Yona is not better either no one knows if someday he officially lost his mind then what. But atleast he cares for uke and gives him love he needed so much, I really want to see side story of them than only I can rest in peace ... (Side note the only good thing about old man are his looks)
Uke is surrounded by weirdo's all horny and obsessed with him there were 3 guys: old man, Yona and hulk. Hulk can go and hang himself about Yona he isn't okay in his head either probably a sadist. As you can see first time he had sex with uke how he felt, he wanted do many things but didn't, he controlled himself, but here comes the twist about how long can he hold. About old man he makes me remember old man from under the green light who made Jin relay on drugs and raped him ...he wanted to make uke submissive and beg on knees in front him, offer his ass whenever he wants like a doll. I don't think old man loves uke, he only sees him as his possession like a prize (uke asked him once 'does he loves him' but old man laughed and make fun of him). Although Yona is not better either no one knows if someday he officially lost his mind then what. But atleast he cares for uke and gives him love he needed so much, I really want to see side story of them than only I can rest in peace ...
(Side note the only good thing about old man are his looks)