Whats the big deal with doing it raw, sure hygiene problems but isn't it fine lol. Raw fee...

Guytw April 13, 2017 4:20 pm

Whats the big deal with doing it raw, sure hygiene problems but isn't it fine lol. Raw feels good too pfft. Everyone is whining too much like shut up

    mediocre April 13, 2017 4:24 pm

    Nah it's because if guys do it raw and the top cums, then it's painful for the bottom's stomach. It like, actually hurts a lot. Unfortunately I haven't seen this point being brought up in yaoi a lot which gives people misconceptions.

    abumie April 13, 2017 4:31 pm

    doing it raw or not is not the problem here . The thing I don't like is that Ginu is lying to him about using condom. It is fine if your partner want it raw but in this case his partner did not agree with him ( ̄へ ̄)

    Celdria April 13, 2017 4:36 pm

    Actually, doing it raw from the bottom, when the top is coming in, doesn't hurt at all. It doesn't hurt after. Sure, it's not a pleasant feeling, but it' not that bad.

    Guytw April 13, 2017 4:41 pm
    Nah it's because if guys do it raw and the top cums, then it's painful for the bottom's stomach. It like, actually hurts a lot. Unfortunately I haven't seen this point being brought up in yaoi a lot which gives... mediocre

    I've had anal sex, sure cum inside feels weird and uncomfortable but you need to clean it out properly. Yubin probably wouldn't mind no condom tbh. Seeing how his character is, he gives in everytime because inside he wants it. I know because I've read this way ahead from where the chapters are atm.

    Chise April 13, 2017 4:46 pm
    Nah it's because if guys do it raw and the top cums, then it's painful for the bottom's stomach. It like, actually hurts a lot. Unfortunately I haven't seen this point being brought up in yaoi a lot which gives... mediocre

    That only happens between the first ten times or in my case it was like the fifth time, obviously you should not keep the semen inside your ass too long

    Ang April 13, 2017 9:04 pm

    For real tho. The whining is ridiculous...