I smell victory and happiness, cant wait for this chapter to be uploaded. Please be faster, i cant wait for that b*tch to die with pain,... I wish emi was there in person not just watching, im also excited for the next chapter, cant wait for that b"tch to die ¯(◉‿◉)/¯. It will be satisfying if she will get eaten by some monster and die and reborn and die, reborn, die, and the cycle will repeat again. (Reference about miss not sidekick). Not forgetting any memory about her dying.
I smell victory and happiness, cant wait for this chapter to be uploaded. Please be faster, i cant wait for that b*tch to die with pain,... I wish emi was there in person not just watching, im also excited for the next chapter, cant wait for that b"tch to die ¯(◉‿◉)/¯. It will be satisfying if she will get eaten by some monster and die and reborn and die, reborn, die, and the cycle will repeat again. (Reference about miss not sidekick). Not forgetting any memory about her dying.