Man don’t read this expecting an easy read, but it was entertaining

Culoculpa November 14, 2024 11:16 am

I’ll come here with the none biased review of the story that doesn’t immediately bash a story for its gross misuse of triggering topics that all these stories tend to do.

Anyway, the FL is such a badass I’ll say it outright. I like how she’s not easy to back down, how she strives for her goals, she’s just an enjoyable character. She does falter a little to the rumors of her husband but let’s be real, he hasn’t particularly done anything to discredit them initially.

Another thing that is refreshing is the way she goes about building the relationships outside of the ML. Whether it’s with the garbage FiL or the G that is her uncle, or the way she stands strong against her ops.

The ML needs to get his shit in check really, some communication between them would go on long way but these stories don’t go that way typically.

It was a good read either way, 6/10.

    Trina December 11, 2024 4:42 am

    In his defence it did say he was emotionally stupid and he HAS tried to get advice on what to do. His choice of advisors leaves something to be desired but he's not the most social.

    He reflects on his behavior and tries to correct it. Yes he should talk more, but what's to say our FL wouldn't lie or "skirt" the truth to achieve her goals? She has proven that with using birth control " it wasn't specified in the contract", true but a half truth.

    I think BOTH need to have an honest look at their relationship and feelings, but I highly doubt she's going far even if they do divorce, she likes the challenges that the family gives her and that she's loved and appreciated for who she is.