You realize saying things like “didn’t resist enough” even when he said “Stop” and “No” multiple times, this is victim blaming. No is no, and he didn’t stop so uke also stopped resisting. This happens to lots of r*pe victims, who are then blamed for not resisting enough. Sorry but this way of thinking must stop. Even when in the end he liked it, the act in itself just wasn’t okay.

Yes, it's wasnt okay as it was rape that's why I said that the uke is being a doormat after it happened the first the seme rape him. He should've cut ties with him the very first time but he didn't, he continued his relationship with him . Sorry but i hate doormat characters who couldn't stand for themselves.
I want to hate the seme but it's not entirely his fault since the uke is not clearly creating boundaries and just let the uke did him whatever he wants, he didn't really resist. Seme is being forceful but the uke is being stubborn and doormat too.