no?? i mean what i said. look it up. shoujo is targeted towards a younger female (teen/young adult) audience, shounen is younger male (teen) audience, seinen is young adult and adult men and josei is adult women. shoujo is typically straight because there is the sub category of shoujo ai, but that doesn’t mean romance is required in the first place to be shoujo. hell, some shoujo can have primarily male main characters and still be counted as shoujo

np! as for the whole shounen/shoujo ai, apparently those are terms made up by western fans to distinguish between sfw and nsfw yuri/yaoi (except that distinction doesn’t always exist) they don’t have much connection to the original meanings of shounen/shoujo. further more they are outdated in japan and bl and gl are used more commonly in general for gay stories. there is also some weird history regarding the -ai terminology but its kinda unclear tbh so i wont go into detail

I always thought shounen was basically "innocent" bl, while yaoi was explicit bl.
Shoujo to me always ment, not explicit, not necessarily having a romance arc, and just lighthearted fun. Like, so innocent that if there is a romantic arc they don't even kiss (or if they do the main characters blush like crazy over a cheek kiss)
Yuri to me ment explicit GL.
And josei ment explicit straight.
With that said I do think mangago would benefit from adding a bl and gl tag so that shoujo Manga that have romantic arcs can still be tagged "correctly".
There have been a few shoujo I've read thinking I saw a different tag, or someone made it seem like it was bl or gl, and it either has no romance at all. Or it's a bait and switch and the entire time you think it'll "get gay" only for them to end in a straight relationship
How is this still tagged shoujo