reusable condom November 13, 2024 11:15 am

what is ivantill? who is ivantill? where is ivantill? how is ivantill? why is ivantill?

    -x×ÈÇ×x- November 15, 2024 3:53 am

    It's a pairing that appears in a animated series called Alien Stage on YouTube by the channel VIVINOS (the director of the series). Basically you can sum up their relationship with "Doomed Yaoi"

    -x×ÈÇ×x- November 15, 2024 3:55 am

    There's also doomed Yuri with another pair, Mizi and Sua, except they're both in love with each other, while IvanTill fans can only grief in despair with IvanTill because it's a one-sided love, and the other one loves Mizi, one of the girls I just mentioned

    -x×ÈÇ×x- November 15, 2024 3:58 am

    You can check it out if you've braced your heart for the pain, but nonetheless it's a great series with amazing plot and character design/writing, topping it off with some hella good music