EXACLTY what i am saying yet they still defending him saying he was “MANIPULATED” like wtf did you even comprehend while reading this shit, and theyd even brought up “if you were in his situation” like what does that have to do with me LIKE you’re literally showing BIAS. some readers are actually just dumb and only stick on a certain/specific situation.

wait uhm, if he shouldn’t have kissed the guy he liked he wouldn’t have ended in that situation, he was in that situation for a REASON and he made that PROBLEM himself, like idk what are the law in korea but can that “CONNECTION” really make a person someones pet. like he had done nothing wrong why not just unfriend them continue working and stop hangging with them, like is that really hard to do? also are you saying justice cant be serve if you have connection LMAOO what kind of system is that..

do you read the things you've written..? yes you can say he couldve been honest at the beginning but the problem are THOSE GUYS. "why no unfriend them" wtf... as if that'll stop them? if he did things differently, they still wouldve got him because they have MORE POWER (money and connections). do you think he wouldve had a chance? are you insane? its not as easy, plus this guys mental health is very damaged, do you not understand how manipulation works? he also has a low self steem and was abused by his father so it makes sense of his behaviour, hes SCARED AND HAS NO ONE TO HELP HIM. how are you saying he brought it up onto himself wtf... you really have no empathy for victims. youre implying he deserves it just because he wanted to hide that he liked his best friend. THERES NO JUSTIFICATION FOR RAPE. GET THAT IN YOUR HEAD. also talk to a therapist or seek more information on these type of situations because the way youre thinking is actually scary and can be harmful if you practice these beliefs irl.
YAYYY thanks so much for the update , I was getting worried. On the other hand, these comments are terrible omg. People claim that media with such themes are evil and blah blah blah. Now, look at how many are victim blaming MC. Crazy. It's yall that genuinely need help. Not only lacking media literacy but common sense and empathy. MC cannot ask anyone for help. These guys have connections/have more money in comparison to him. Who would take him seriously, the police? Please. Yes, they're bad everywhere but in Korea it's very present how police do nothing. He also cannot escape because he has NO MONEY. If he doesn't comply, they'll still find a way to make him do it, and will be very aggressive/violent. He has no escape, GET THAT IN YALL'S HEAD. MC doesn't take bad deccisions, because he cannot even choose, he has NO AUTONOMY. That's how evil the three guys are. But it's as if some of yall cannot read. Lord, if you guys are going to behave like this just don't read this type of manhwa, since you guys cannot understand it.