Thank you! Omg, haha, yes the double standard here ;;A;; anyone would feel bad if their partner prioritized someone else over them, especially when there were options! I mean I hear that kids in Japan are actually taught to go to the station office if something goes wrong/they need help <///< even if the kids didn't think about it themselves she could have left them in the office's care (option 1). Or she could have taken Hananoi with her (she even thought about it for Christ sake/ option 2). Or she could have done what Hananoi said and told them to go back to the house and wait like their brother told them to do in the first place (option 3) those kids should know better and she shouldn't have been led around by kids in the first place, they need to do what they are told for their safety in this case.
Hotaru even noticed something was off with Hananoi on the phone and yet she just pushes that aside like, girl he was begging you, the person that hardly every thinks about himself first because he's constantly putting you first even to the detriment of his own well being (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Well probably because Yao wasn't an ex(she never even thought of him in that sense, like never) plus she helped the kids. Literal kids. Which is normal, like normal human reaction. It wasn't anyone's fault tbh like judging where he's coming from, I can understand his thoughts, even tho they were kids. But to compare this to helping an ex is literally worse

I appreciate your opinion. But in my opinion, whether they were at the hospital or not would not have changed anything. If anything it only adds to the stress of the older brother who went to the hospital and already has a lot on his plate. Not only does he have to worry about his mom, but with the kids there he probably can't be as vulnerable because he has to put on a strong front for them. If he felt that it would be best that the kids were at the hospital, he would have taken them with him. If anything I'm surprised he wasn't upset when he found out they were trying to get there when he told them to stay put at home. But anyways, just to be clear, I'm NOT under any circumstances "blaming" the kids ^_^;
I'm simply saying they should have done what they're older brother told them to do. He's in charge when their mother isn't there. Who knows if something could have happened to them on the way to the station? What if they got lost in a city far from home by taking the wrong train? Etc. They should trust and respect his decisions for their own safety in general.
And my main point was that Hotaru had options, she wasn't stuck with only one option here. I even stated that one of her many options was to take Hananoi with her, it wouldn't have taken long to invite him along and that way she could still take the kids to the hospital if she wanted + not damage her relationship with Hananoi (she was betraying the trust he put in her).
Also, I'd appreciate next time when giving an opinion that you don't talk down to people telling them what the "normal" thing to do would be, like there's only one good choice in any given situation and not insult people by essentially calling them scumbags...just saying.
What if it’s Hananoi who left Hotaru wait at the station while he go helping his ex. What’s it gonna be? I didn’t mean them. I mean you,the reader how you react with this? If Hotaru got insecure then mean she such a child and need Therapy,right?