Not in the slightest and gosh no! Lol. He's a blue eyed leucistic ball/royal python. They're one of our not THE friendliest sneks in the planet! I've even trained him to bop his adorable little snoot into my lips to give kisses. His favorite place in me to rest is his tail wrapped around my neck with his body wound my bum on my head and his head either resting on my face, curled around my ear, or in my hand away from my head because he's a fuckin' princess lol.
The last couple of times O had him, he would fight my trying to remove him from my person to put him back, by struggling to get back to me and when he's really sucking up to try to stay with me, he'll start frantically giving me dozens and dozens of kisses.
He's technically my kid's snake, so we call the kid Dad, and his dad and I are Grandma and Grandpa lol. So when he's trying to stay with me, the best way too describe it is as though he's like:
“nuuuuuuu Grandma, nuuuuu I neeeeeed to beeeeee with youuuuuu!!!!!!!!! L give you kisses, see? Kisses! All the kisses! I'll give you every kiss I possibly can! Nuuuu don't put me in the boooooooooox!!!!!!!!”
Lol what a silly. He has a state of art, fully bioactive, regulation sized enclosure, with front (not top) opening so he doesn't get stressed when we pull him out, with 2 hides that he can move around as he sees fit, and a huge branch that intersects so many parts of the walls, that he's constantly climbing in and I'm pretty sure he loves more than life itself. So he's definitely not found lacking lol.
If after all that you still think my snake is scary, I invite you to come to Canada so you can bet him in person and see how incredibly derptastiv Sans is.
Oh yeah, and my car that passed away a couple of months ago, was his bff. That's right and animal deemed as one of the MOST dangerous to snakes: cats. Used to fall asleep together.
If ever you have a chance to meet a ball/Royal Python, do it with the knowledge that the absolute worst that their but can possibly feel like'is angry sandpaper. And that's if you feel it AT ALL. ^-^
...reading while my all white with blue eyes snake sleeps on my head with his body wrapped around my neck lol.