WTF bruhhh.... What is with the ending??? I hate it it can't be.... I'm so angry like are you serious??? ヽ(`д´;)/ after all that{being raped day and night but a lot of ppl }u are giving me that crappy ass happy ending. No I won't accept it, my ending is the sick mf dies. (ノ`Д´)ノ彡┻━┻
WTF bruhhh.... What is with the ending??? I hate it it can't be.... I'm so angry like are you serious??? ヽ(`д´;)/ after all that{being raped day and night but a lot of ppl }u are giving me that crappy ass happy ending. No I won't accept it, my ending is the sick mf dies. (ノ`Д´)ノ彡┻━┻