Spoiler about inseob...
He doesn't run but went out to get something and got lost. Tbh he was planning a sweet gesture for the ml (a cake coz it was his birthday) . I read this in the novel but the ml thought he ran away and tore the city apart looking for him. Literally wrecked havoc all around Hawaii.
So inseop read in the paper that the ML'S birthday day is today so he gous out to buy him a cake and runs late and in the meantime the ML freaks out when he doesn't find him in the hotel room and goes full on psycho mood , he goes around punching people because the let him go outside and runs around looking for him in the streets and the inseop comes back confused as why is he mad and then the ML takes him back to the hotel and assaults him , but guess what he forgives him in the end
Whats nextt??is in seob run awayyy??what's inside the document he readd?? AAAAAA