I don’t understand the sympathies for Ido y’all have atm. Yes, Sejin’s father did do this, but Ido was the one to take advantage of it. That is still Sejin’s family and now their whole ordeal just looks like a coupe to take Haeshin Group.
his father needed to fall. Ido just accelerated that tissue-kun
It still validly hurt Sejin’s feelings that’s my point. He didn’t want his family to experience any bad karma but he knew it was coming. Wasn’t Ido’s place to do it.
It still validly hurt Sejin’s feelings that’s my point. He didn’t want his family to experience any bad karma but he knew it was coming. Wasn’t Ido’s place to do it. Laney
yes, and he can be concerned all he wants, but it was anyone's place to do it. Ido was the only one who had means to do so. and rightly deserved of his father. no one should get away with stealing wages from the working class
I don’t understand the sympathies for Ido y’all have atm. Yes, Sejin’s father did do this, but Ido was the one to take advantage of it. That is still Sejin’s family and now their whole ordeal just looks like a coupe to take Haeshin Group.