I can't see but thanks for the spoiler. So the black hair one loves him after all and dates the other guy thinking he was straight. I feel sorry for the lover he was used as a substitute.

you can access the raws here instead. http://www.yaoiotaku.com/forums/threads/44558-Juunen-Ai-Decade-of-Love-by-MINASE-Masara-JP?s=2d933919efacf69f5dc20bcab2df1511

u dont need to register, just scroll down and wait for flash images to load
the link for the Raw https://www.3n5b.com/t/decade-of-love/36408 (Thx to rediamond)
the blond one will be an incredible lustful uke (i'm wondering how he is been a seme until now XD)