Omg yes I was trying to see things from Navier’s point of view and realized she was strong asf and I’m not sure if I would have been capable of doing the same. He was freaking miserable and literally lost everything. I dislike my last ex very much, I was also betrayed and hurt… but I’m not sure if I can ignore him if something like this happen to him (in modern times ofc).

this is Navier's character flaw. She doesn't know romantic love before therefore she's not in love with Sovieshit, but she is loyal to him (as long as he do the same) and the empress position. She love him like a childhood friend and support the empire with all her heart.
Now that she actually experienced being in love with Heinrey, her priority changes from the crown - people - husband to Heinrey - crown - people.
She doesn't want her #1 priority to sulk

Haha yeah, I think. I’m not sure tho. I can’t say she wasn’t in love with her ex husband, as they were together their whole life, it’s difficult to compare it to her relationship with Heinrey, like it or not, love gets cold with time and friendship is what remains. However, I must say that the failure of that relationship is both their fault. He was too confusing and liked to play mind games instead of being direct and clear. Unlike Navier, Sovieschu (or however his name is) had his feelings clear, he KNEW he was very in love with her and wanted more from her, but his priorities were shit. He was frustrated with her because she was cold and aloof, but he never tried to tell her how he felt or his needs on the other hand, Heinry is always expressing his feelings, he is always demanding affection and attention from her and making room for romance, Navier was pressured (in a good way) to develop her communication skills.
I think the first relationship was destroyed because both were to complacent with their situation. They grew up believing their relationship could only be like that and never tried to explore beyond that point.
What do you think?

I don't think miscommunication or not being clear to each other was the problem, it was Sovieshit's inferiority and superiority complex.
the painting that Sovieshit bought was the representation of their relationship and how Sovieshit execute things. He was looking at her and she was looking somewhere else, so he commissioned a painter to make her look at him.
The way he fix the situations that he doesn't like was to bend, pressure and send the people involve to a complete desperation so that they'll act according to his plans.
They didn't work out because Sovieshit has a need to feel superior against the perfect Navier. The Pope who divorced them, was even reluctant to do it because Navier is a great empress, but Sovieshit didn't see that because for him, her infertility was the biggest freaking flaw in the history of empresses, even bigger than having a former slave empress.
Navier and Sovieshit had a good communication especially in their younger years, and they even schedule time to spend with just the two of them at their vacation house (i forgot but the place when they left Trashta).
Navier falling in love with Heinrey just shows that her loyalty makes her a 'walk in progress' in the romance department, and actually, Heinrey didn't really do much, he just gave back the same loyalty and honesty that she'd given. He did some extra steps because she was heartbroken and betrayed.
It was easy to compare Heinrey and Sovieshit because they are alike, both were mischievous and likes to tease Navier, it just that Sovieshit saw Navier's flaw first before her as a person whom he loves.
when the result of the accident pops out, you'll see how arrogant Sovieshit is especially in his younger years and how he can easily flirts? with Navier.
(im sorry i forgot to press the post button, i write this the day you commented and totally forgotten about it

It’s okay girl.
Really? I might have to pick the novel again, I didn’t grasp his inferiority complex. I do think he is arrogant, very at that, maybe has a superiority complex and I think he didn’t like that she was at the same height he was… however I do think that’s normal for the time period this is set on, where women were very limited and practically owned by a man.
Also, I might be confusing novels then, because I could swear I remember Navier saying she spent a lot of time with the empress dowager and the empress kinda told her how her behavior had to be and that’s why she is always thinking about the pride of the imperial family.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t condone Shovies-whatever, I think he got what he deserved but I genuinely think if they communicated better, at least the relationship wouldn’t have ended so disastrously. Like he literally was trying to get a reaction from her whenever it involved another woman (main story and SS), he never once TOLD her what he wanted from her

they already have a good communication.
For him, it's not about not telling her, but more on the question, WHY? why would he tell her?
He had warning tones and gets very posturing whenever Navier dig for more information on certain topics because for him, she was searching for flaws to hold against him (because he's doing the same).
Sovieshit's inferiority complex diminished and his superiority complex run wild after viewing Navier's infertility as her irredeemable flaw. That's why he took it upon himself to solve it secretly which resulted to his idiotic plan. By the time he took Trashta, he doesn't see Navier as partner anymore, but a flawed empress he need to fix.
After his failed plan, that's when we saw his insecurities. Him asking for Navier to come back is not solely because he loves her, but also show how he finally accepts the fact that Navier can fix everything.
The adrenaline of being superior to everything died down and that breaks him.
That's why Past and Present Sovieshit clash.
Oh god I remember this part in novel made me cry so hard he sounded so miserable and my heart actually ached so bad for him