I feel like I know what BL you're talking about. LMAO. They could just put season something and continue the story. Aide stories are supposed to be fun and chill and happy. I stopped reading that side stories coz it's stressing me out more than the main story. Gdi
I feel like I know what BL you're talking about. LMAO. They could just put season something and continue the story. Aide stories are supposed to be fun and chill and happy. I stopped reading that side stories c... LynxSeoltang
Yes, I want the side stories to relieved my stress from the main story.
Maybe 2-3 chapters of heavy side topic in the main story but that's it.
Yes, I want the side stories to relieved my stress from the main story.Maybe 2-3 chapters of heavy side topic in the main story but that's it. RottenHermit
I think instead of 'Season 2' it fits more as side stories. Because it focused more on their daily life without much big plot going on.
Its how the other day I was complaining about another BL that has side stories that has more complicated plot than the Season 1.